One Toolbar to rule them all.
The FREE ToolbarBrowser is a complete Toolbar Authoring and Management tool. You can use it to manage dozens of toolbars in a simple tabbed control to save valuable browser space. At the same time covers all benefits of a search toolbar including: search, navigation, popup blocking and much more so you will never need another toolbar.
Oh yes and it's completely FREE!
ToolbarBrowser is free. There is nothing you need to purchase, no royalties or fees, just use the default toolbar packed with features or create and distribute a great toolbar for your company, website or business.
ToolbarBrowser for Internet Explorer Features
- Popup Blocking
- Auto Form Filler
- Highlight search text
- 100% Free!
- Search major search engines, including Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask etc...
- Popularity Index (PI Rank), Google PR™ and Alexa Rank™
- Wayback Machine - See how a website looked in the past
- Tabbed control to save toolbar space
- Fully programmable with XML support
- Free from spyware and easy to uninstall
- Plus many more features...
SEO Toolbar for Mozilla Firefox Features
Firefox SEO Toolbar showing only page rank features
- Perfect tool for SEO and SEM
- Shows Popularity Index (PI Rank), Google PR™ and Alexa Rank™, CompeteRank and SEMRush Rank all in one toolbar
- Handy links to tools for online marketer including domain registrars, keyword research tools, SEO forums and SEO tools
- Compact page ranking mode
- Options to hide certain ranks
- Various other tools such as Search Engine View, Server Response Headers and Wayback Machine button
Firefox SEO Toolbar in standard mode
Google Chrome Ranking Extensions
Our SEO Ranking Extensions for Google Chrome include PI Rank, SEM Rush Rank, Compete Rank and Alexa Rank. Unlike other SEO Ranking Extensions for Google Chrome, rankings are displayed directly on the toolbar, rather than requiring extra clicks to show this information.

Chrome Ranking Extensions
PI Rank Extension
This extension displays the Popularity Index Rank for the current page.
SEM Rush Rank Extension
This extension displays the SEMRush Rank for the current page
Compete Rank Extension
This extension displays the Compete Rank for the current website.
Alexa Rank Extension
This extension displays the Alexa Rank for the current page.